Why a Digital Business Card is your Networking Best Friend

Why a Digital Business Card is your Networking Best Friend

In 2022, a digital business card is a perfect way to make a great impression on potential clients and networking partners. By offering a simple ‘tap’, someone is provided access to your online business profile, including your contact information, website links, and social media, to anyone who wants it.

Standard paper business cards are a thing of the past as digital business becomes more popular. Digital business cards began to gain popularity in 2021 and are booming in 2022 as there is a long list of benefits that come with them.

Benefits of a digital business card

There are many benefits to using a digital business card for networking purposes. Here are some of the most important benefits:

Professional look: A digital business card looks professional and can help you stand out from the competition. Tacta offers a variety of materials, including metal, bamboo and PVC. The cards have a sleek, impressive look and show top-quality professionalism.

Easy access to contact information: A digital business card makes it easy for potential clients and networking partners to get in touch with you. All they need is a link to your online business card, and they can view your contact information, website, social media profiles, and more. It is so simple to pass on your data, too; with a simple tap or a scan of the QR code – your networking recipient has all the information they need in seconds.

Convenient: A digital business card is convenient and easy to access. You can share your contact information with anyone, anywhere, anytime. There is no longer a need to carry around large numbers of paper cards easily misplaced; everything you need is in one place.

Digital business cards are more eco-friendly than paper

The most obvious and important benefit of digital business cards is how better they are for the environment. Traditional business cards require continuous printing; for example, if someone’s information has changed- the old ones are just put to waste. Traditional paper business cards are expensive to design and print; furthermore, it’s important to consider the carbon emissions throughout the manufacturing process, transportation to customers and the extremely high number of litres of water required to make just one kilo of paper.

Simple to design, edit and share

Owning a Tacta business card means that you can easily change any information; for example, if you have a new website or changed position within the company- you can keep the same card; just edit your information using our app or online portal. This saves you time designing a new design for your business card and saving money on printing costs.

Furthermore, Tacta business cards can be completely repurposed, meaning that if an employee leaves the company and someone new is hired, the same card can be reused. Information on the card can be edited whenever you need it, so it can be done with a breeze if you want to remove something from your Tacta card.

Digital business card analytics

To ensure you can monitor that engagement even after you’ve passed over your details, Tacta offers ongoing analytics with your card. Discover who has clicked that link you wanted to track, even if someone has enquired. Now that’s something we know traditional business cards can not follow!


A traditional business card has most likely been on many travels with you and is not as sanitary as you may think. Tacta offers a completely contactless experience. Our QR code and NFC technology mean fewer contact points for yourself and your network partner, keeping everyone as safe as possible.

It’s time to go digital!

So if you want to be ethical at the same time as wow-ing network partners with your one-tap business card, contact us at Tacta today to discuss how we can help you.

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